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The story of Nawaruci

 The king of Gajahoya, Sri Maharaja Driyodhana, was

negotiate something with Sri Dang Hyang Drona. It seems very important

the things they talk about, because the poets, rishis, Shiva priests, priests

Buddhas, ministers, high state officials, regional heads and house servants

living in the palace no one was included in the discussion. said

Driyodhana, that he intended to end the life of the Bima who was

studied with Drona to gain knowledge of kamoksan.

The story of Nawaruci
The story of Nawaruci

Not long after, Raden Wrekodara arrived, who was greeted by Diryodhana and

Dang Hyang Drona. Happy, my son Raden Wrekodara, your son is really happy

come to me, for I will give you heaven. seek

my son, holy water, Banyu Mahapawitra, so that I can convey to you

auspicious words about the release of the body. As for the place of Banyu Mahapawitra

it's at the Doranga well.

Said Bima, Raden Wrekodara "Goodbye my teacher, I'm leaving"

looking for Banyu Mahaprawitra". The immediate abandonment of Gajahoya, various

difficulties dangers and difficulties encountered on the way. Crossing the ravine,

steep cliffs, rocks – he headed straight for the well of Doranga.

Without hesitation he entered, not afraid, not afraid. But Banyu Mahapawitra doesn't

he found. The dirty and silent well turned out to be inhabited by a matched snake that

very vicious. The two snakes twisted, biting and sucking Bima, but no

the slightest wound on his body. Immediately extend the sejodh stabbed

with pancanhaka (panca=5, naka=nail). Snake blood spurts, dragon neck

torn apart, both of them died by the might of the Bima. Immediately throw the carcass

the snake came out stew. Surprised the two companions of the Bima, named Si

Gagakampuhan and Si Tuwalen, because they were hit by the dragon carcass, they trembled and

scratch their hairs.

Then Sang Bima came out of the Doranga well and immediately he came to the top.

The two dragon carcasses were transported by Raden Wrekodara's attendants and immediately

leave that place. Not far away, suddenly from far away

there was a scream calling for the Bima, and two nice and beautiful people

suddenly came, then wept and worshiped. With respect Bima said

“I ask you, handsome man and beautiful daughter, where are you from

come?" The nymphs and nymphs replied "Under the care of your majesty Raden,

we tell you, that we actually came from dragons mate.

It was Raden who cleansed (purified) us from the calamity. We excuse ourselves

to return to Suralaya". Then darted the nymph and the nymph to

space. Raden Wrekodara was very surprised, and he continued his journey.

Apparently the nymphs and nymphs have long suffered from sorrow to become

dragon. Dwidasya warsa, dasya = ten, dwi = two, warsa = year, twelve

year they suffered. Now they are beautiful and good as ever.

The Syarasambaddha and the Harsanandi.

Meanwhile laugh and rejoice Sri Maharaja Driyodhana and Sri

Dang Hyang Drona. Said Sri Dang Hyang Drona "Now Si Bima dies"

bitten by a dragon. This can be seen in my Puja, the name is Puja Kuncang buttons,

for I am watchful in sight."

Suddenly Sang Wrekodara came, facing Sri Dang Hyang Drona and

offered the two dragon carcasses to him. They were surprised to see

the form of a dragon that is as big as a coconut tree, grinning fangs and wide-eyed

both eyes.

Then said the Wrekodara, "I do not find Banyu Mahapawitra in the

Doranga's well, which is dirty and desolate. I found two dragons,

that is what I present here. The two dragons bit and twisted and

suck me. I stabbed both dragons with Pancanhaka until they died,

it turns out they are angels and nymphs.

Responding to Sri Dang Hyang Drona, "I was wrong, my son Sang Wrekodara. Not

in the well of Dorangga the holy water. It is seen in my puja, that Banyu

Mahapawitra is in the Andadawa field. Immediately go, don't

wasting time, my son Sang Wrekodara and beware. will you

find, that Banyu Mahapawitra.

Wells are places of water and water is a symbol of holiness. But in the well

Doranga there are two dragons matched Syarasambaddha and Harsanandi. If

analyzed from the names of Doranga, Syarasambaddha and Harsanandi, then we

can understand what is implied by Drona's order to Bima.

According to Zoetmulder's ancient Javanese dictionary, the meaning of the word dora = lie, fake, lie.

While angga = crew, self. Syarasambaddha from the word syara = arrow, type

reeds or grass (used for arrows. Sambaddha = (Sanskrit –

relationship, relationship to, personal relationship, kinship,

friendship, relatives, relatives, friends). Then Harsanandi the origin of the word

harsa = joy, pleasure etc. and nandi = (nandini?) white bull

who can grant all requests, usually also associated with Batara
