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Karawitan Understanding Of The Musical Arts

 Gamelan music is the art of traditional music of Java, which refers to the game of Gamelan music. Musical arts is packed with the strains of the instrument and the vocals are beautiful so good to be heard and enjoyed.


Art kerawitan this is a classical art that is very well known in the Java community and Indonesia as one of the artistic and cultural heritage that is rich in philosophical and historical value.

Understanding Musical

1. Understanding Karawitan According to Soedarsono (1992:14), the musical in general is the art that encompasses all branches of art which contains elements of beauty, smooth as well as complicated or ngrawit.

2. Understanding Karawitan According to (Sumarsam, 2003:11) explains that at the time of the first musicians to grow and develop in the palace and it can be said that the nobles and relatives of the palace obliged to master the field of traditional music, song and dance.

So the importance of the performing arts (musical) as a sign of royal power is keterbilatan gamelan and theater at the ceremony-ceremony or party-ria of the palace.

3. The definition According to Martopangrawit, 1975 identifies that Gamelan music is the art of sound using laras slendro and pelog, better sound human as well as instruments (gamelan) origin barreled slendro and pelog can be called a musical.

There are two principal contents of the gamelan music that rhythm and songs. The rhythm of the widening or narrowing of the slot. Songs that the arrangement of tone-the tone that is set and if the tone sounded already sounds good. Setting the tone-the tone of the later evolved towards a form, giving rise to a variety of forms, and the form is what will be called gending.

4. Understanding Karawitan according to (Soeroso, 1985-1986) Expression of the human soul which is channeled through the notes that barreled slendro and pelog set, rhythmic shaped, aligned, good to listen to and pleasing to the eye both in arable vocals and instrumenal or till the mixture.

Based on the description above can be concluded that the musical is a beautiful art berlaraskan pelog and slendro instruments used in the gamelan music called gamelan.

Pelog and Slendro

In the Musical arts there are two types of the barrel, i.e. laras slendro and pelog. Laras slendro own system is a sequence of tones which consists of five notes within one gambyang with a pattern of distance are almost the same.

While pelog is a system of order notes that consists of five or seven tones by using one of the patterns a distance of tone that is not equal, i.e. three melee and two far away. In the Musical, indeed, often there are some songs are presented in laras pelog by using only five tones, especially on the presentation of traditional pelog as a result instead of laras slendro.

In kerawitan Java is a usual thing when a gendhing can serve in two different tunings.


In the Musical arts there are a variety of device types of Gamelan are distinguished according to the type, number and function. Device type Gamelan, such as Gamelan kodhok ngorek, Gamelan monggang, Gamelan carabalen, the Gamelan sekaten, and Gamelan ageng.

All types of devices Gamelan is certainly in the Java community has the function, the number and manner of presentation of its own in play. the instruments used are usually like bonang, drums, gong, kenong, a cymbal, gender, gambang, penontong, kempul, saron, and type-alat musik jawa lainnya.

In addition there are also some modern instruments are in use as a complement such as a keyboard, trumpet, drums and others. Gamelan has two principal contents of that rhythm and songs.

Karawitan for 3, namely :

- Karawitan Sekar,

- Karawitan Gending,

- Karawitan Sekar Gending

Gamelan comes from the word “cayenne”, which in Javanese means “complicated/ convoluted”. But the word “pepper” can also mean “delicate and lovely”. So kerawitan is defined as a work of art that has the properties of a delicate, intricate and beautiful.

Kerawitan is said to be complicated because it is a combination of various instruments of Gamelan barreled nondiatonis produced using a system of notation, the color of sound and rhythm that produce a sound that is beautiful and delicious to be heard.
