Wisanggeni : Knight of the lord of fire
Wisanggeni - Bambang Wisanggeni is the name of a puppeteer who is not present in.. mahabharata epic, because it is the original character created by Javanese poets. He is known as arjuna's son who was born to an angel named Batari Dresanala, the daughter of Batara Brama. Wisanggeni is a special figure in Javanese puppetry. He is known to be brave, assertive in his attitude, and has extraordinary power.
The story of Wisanggeni's birth begins with the jealousy of Dewasrani, Batari Durga's son to Arjuna who has married Batari Dresanala. Dewasrani whined to his mother to separate their marriage. Durga also faced her husband, Batara Guru, the king of the gods.
At Durga's urging, Batara Guru ordered Batara Brama to divorce Arjuna and Dresanala. This decision was opposed by Batara Narada as an advisor to Batara Guru. He resigned and chose to defend Arjuna.
Brama who had returned to her kahyangan immediately told Arjuna to go back to the world on the grounds that Dresanala wanted to be made batara guru as a dancer in the main kahyangan. Arjuna also obeyed unsuspectingly. After Arjuna left, Brama beat Dresanala to remove the fetus she was carrying by force.
Dresanala gave birth prematurely. Durga and Dewasrani came to pick him up, while Brama threw his own newborn grandson into the crater candradimuka, on Mount Jamurdipa.
Narada secretly watches over all these events. He also helped the baby Dresanala out of the crater. Miraculously, the baby had grown into a young man. Narada gave him the name Wisanggeni, meaning "poison of fire". This is because he was born because of the anger of Brama, the god of fire lords. In addition, the candradimuka crater fire instead of killing actually revived Wisanggeni.
At Narada's instructions, Wisanggeni creates chaos in the kahyangan. No one was able to capture and conquer him, because he was under the protection of Sanghyang Wenang, the ancestor of Batara Guru. Batara Guru and Batara Brama eventually repented and pleaded guilty. Narada is finally willing to return to his duties in the kahyangan.
Wisanggeni then came to the Kingdom of Amarta asking Arjuna to be recognized as a child. At first Arjuna refused because he did not believe it. There was a fight where Wisanggeni was able to defeat Arjuna and the other Pandava.
After Wisanggeni told the truth, Arjuna went to Tunggulmalaya Kingdom, where Dewasrani lived. Through an exciting battle, he managed to take Dresanala back.
Nature and Power
Physically, Wisanggeni is portrayed as a young man who seems to be a serous man. But his heart is kind and helpful. He did not live in the world with the Pandavas, but rather was in the kahyangan Sanghyang Wenang, the ancestor of the gods. When it comes to speaking, Wisanggeni has never used alkaline manners (fine Javanese) to anyone, except to Sanghyang Wenang.
Wisanggeni's magic is told more than other Pandava sons, such as Antareja, Gatutkaca, or Abimanyu. His cousin, whose equivalent is Antasena, is the only one. But the difference is, Antasena is innocent and innocent, while Wisanggeni is clever and resourceful.
Before the outbreak of Baratayuda war, Wisanggeni and Antasena ascended to Kahyangan Alang-alang Kumitir asking sanghyang Wenang for blessing before they joined the Pandava side. However, Sanghyang Wenang had predicted that the Pandava would suffer defeat if Wisanggeni and Antasena joined the fight.
After going through several considerations, Wisanggeni and Antasena decided not to return to Pandawa camp. Both of them willingly became sacrifices for the victory of the Pandava. They also silenced the copyright. Some time later the two reached moksa, perished with their bodies.