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Sadewa : Son of the twin gods of Aswin



Sadewa - was the youngest of the Pandavas, a designation for the five sons of Pandu, the king of Hastinapura. Sadewa and his twin brother, Nakula, were born from the womb of Madra Kingdom's daughter Named Madri (in a puppet called Madrim). Meanwhile, their three older brothers, Yudistira, Bimasena, and Arjuna were born from Kunti's womb. Nevertheless, Sadewa is told as a son who is often loved by Kunti. Nakula and Sadewa were born as a gift from twin gods named Aswin, because Pandu was undergoing a curse so that he could not have sex with his wife. Both were born in the middle of the forest while Pandu was living life as a hermit. 

After Arjuna's victory over archery competition in Pancala Kingdom, all Pandava together married Dropadi, the princess of the country. From this marriage Sadewa had a son named Srutakirti. In addition, the Maldives also married the daughter of Jarasanda, king of the Magadha Kingdom. Then from his wife named Wijaya, born a son named Suhotra. 

Killing Sangkuni 

Sangkuni is the uncle of the Korawas on the mother's side. He pitted the Pandava and Korawa, resulting in a civil war known as Baratayuda. Through the dice game, Sangkuni cunningly captured Indraprastha Kingdom from the hands of pandava. Pandawa and Dropadi were sentenced to 12 years of exile in the forest, as well as a year undercover. 

In disguise in the Matsya Kingdom, Sadewa plays a cow herder named Tantripala. He realized that the suffering of the Pandava was the result of Sangkuni's devious actions. So he joked that he would kill the man if there was a civil war against Korawa. After the end of the sentence, Korawa refused to restore Pandawa's rights. The attempted negotiations failed. The war in Kurukshetra erupted. Although the pandava's strength was less, they won. 

On the 18th day Sangkuni fought against the Maldives. Relying on his magic, Sangkuni created a great flood to hit the Kurukshetra plains. Sadewa painstakingly succeeded in defeating Sangkuni with his sword. Meanwhile, in Javanese puppetry, Sangkuni did not die at the hands of sadewa, but at the hands of Bimasena. 

Sadewa in Sudamala 

Sadewa is the main character in Kakawin Sudamala, an ancient Javanese literary work from Majapahit Kingdom. This manuscript tells about the curse that befell Batara Master's wife named Umayi, as a result of her affair with Batara Brahma. It is said that Umayi turned into a rakshasi named Ra Nini, and could only return to its original form when visited by the youngest Pandava. Thus, Sadewa quip was kidnapped and forced to lead a procession of ruwatan. After being possessed by Batara Master, Sadewa was able to carry out Ra Nini's request. Sadewa joke got a new nickname, namely Sudamala which means "eliminate disease". At the behest of Ra Nini who had returned to Umayi, Sadewa quip went to Prangalas village to marry the daughter of a hermit named Tambrapetra. The girl's name is Predapa. 

Javanese Puppetry 

In Javanese puppetry, Sadewa is said to have been born in hastina kingdom palace, not in the forest. His birth coincided with the war between Pandu against Tremboko, the giant king of pringgadani kingdom. In the war both were killed. Madrim Sadewa's mother did starch defense by plunging into the programming interface pancaka. Another version mentions, Sadewa since birth has lost his mother, because Madrim passed away after giving birth to himself and Nakula. As a child, Sadewa had the nickname Tangsen. After the Pandavas built the Kingdom of Amarta, Sadewa obtained Kasatrian Baweratalun as his residence. 

Sadewa's wife is the only puppeteer, perdapa daughter of Resi Tambrapetra. From the marriage were born two children named Niken Sayekti and Bambang Sabekti. Each was married with Nakula's children named Pramusinta and Pramuwati. Another version mentions the Maldives having a daughter named Rayungwulan, who only emerged long after the End of Baratayuda war, or rather when Parikesit Arjuna's grandson was appointed king of hastina Kingdom. Rayungwulan was married to Nakula's son Widapaksa. 

Other people of the same name 

In Hindu mythology and Indian history, there are several other figures named Sahadewa, namely: 

Son of Jarasanda, king of the Magadha Kingdom. Thus he was sahadewa's brother-in-law son of Pandu. In the Baratayuda war he sided with the Pandava. 

One of the kings of Surya Dynasty, Dharmanandana's son was also named Sahadewa. 

Sahadewa is also the name of Sudasa's son or Somaka's father, the king of Pancala Kingdom. 

A giant son of Dumraksa and also the father of Kresawa. 

Uncle Gautama Buddha. 

In Javanese legend there is also a man named Sadewa from an older age. He was the grandson of Watugunung king of the Kingdom of Gilingwesi. This maldives suffers from sexual disorders, namely loving fellow men or homosexuals. He eventually succeeded in becoming a king in the Kingdom of Medangkamulan entitled Cingkaradewa. Cingkaradewa was a greedy king who wanted to rule the whole of Java. Among other things, he managed to seize the Kingdom of Gilingwesi legacy of his grandfather, which at that time was controlled by Parikenan. Parikenan who was the ancestor of the Pandava version of Java is said to have died at the hands of Cingkaradewa. Cingkaradewa himself was defeated by an Indian hermit named Resi Wisaka, who was a pseudonym of Aji Saka, a legendary human being.