Karna : The Hero of Kurusetra
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Karna |
Duke of Karna or Basukarna is one of the important figures in Baratayuda. he was the eldest son of Kunti, so he was the pandava's mother and the oldest of the six brothers. although duryodhana appointed him king of the anga, his role in the mahabharata story far outweighed the role of a king. for fighting on the kaurava side in the kurukshetra war.
during his youth, kunti treated durvasa receipts for one year. theresi was so pleased with the devotion given by him that giving the gift to call one of the gods and the god he chooses will give him a son who has a good nature like the god. in doubt as to whether the gift was true, kunti, while still unmarried, decided to try the spell and summon the sun god, surya. when the sun appeared in front of him, kunti was fascinated. bound by the spell of durvasa, surya gave him a child as bright as his father, even though kunti himself did not want a child. with the power of the sun, kunti remained irrepa the virginity. The baby is due, born with armor and earrings to protect her.
Kunti is now in the embarrassing position of being a mother of a child without a father. because he did not want to bear this shame, he put it in a basket and washed it along with his jewelry (similar to the story of moses), prayed that the baby was safe.bayi karna drifted in the river and was found by a train driver named adhiratha, a suta (a mixture of brahmin and khsatriya). adhiratha and his wife radha raised him as their son and named him vasusena because of his armor and earrings. They know the background to the jewelry they found with her, and never hide the fact that they're not parents because of the truth. karna is also called radheya because of his mother's name radha. his sister, shon, was born from adhiratha and radha after the arrival of karna.
The bond between karna and his adoptive family is a relationship based on pure love and respect. for honoring adhiratha in front of her khsatriya friends, and lovingly continued to carry out her duties as a child in her adoptive family even though she had become king of anga and knew the origin of her birth.karna wanted to be a great soldier. so he wandered to Hastinapura with his father and adopted brother. there mastered the science of kanuragan by studying to drona, although he learned not to be with the princes (pandava and kaurava) because it was seen as coming from a low caste.
for mastering all the knowledge taught, especially archery. when pandava was driven into the forest for 14 years, duryodhana asked for the master of brahmastra, one of the strongest weapons available. only a few people know this including drona, arjuna, bhisma and ashwathama (son of drona).
he first approached drona, the teacher of pandava and kaurava, but drona refused to teach him because of his low caste. he then asked parashurama, another great teacher, to teach him the art of war especially for mnguasai bhramashtra. parashurama will not teach a khsatriya because of his hatred for the khsatriya who killed his parents. then to gain knowledge, because lying about its origin and claiming to be a brahmin.
Once, while parashurama was sleeping with its head on its lap because, an insect bit its thigh. this caused the thigh to bleed and he also felt a lot of pain. but because it survives not to move so that the teacher does not wake up. blood dripping from her thighs splashed down her face and woke her up.
see what happens parashurama knowing that because it is not a brahmin because only a khsatriya can withstand such pain. for confessing that he had lied, and the angry parashurama cursed because: he would not be able to exalt his knowledge at the moment where he needed it most. before parashurama, another brahmin once cursed because that because he would be killed when he was in a state of helplessness, this is because it has killed the beloved cow brahmin.
one time a tournament was held to determine the strongest soldier after 'graduating' from drona education. in the race arjuna came out as the best and duryodhana was afraid of him. then because it appeared and challenged arjuna. in a match that lasts later, because it can compensate for all arjuna skills. to determine the real winner, because it challenges arjuna to fight one on one where the victory of one party is determined by the death of his opponent. on the grounds that because it comes from a lower caste than arjuna, drona rejected the proposal because of it.
duryodhana who did harbor envy and fear of pandava immediately gave the throne of the kingdom anga to karna, so that because of being a king and thus deserved to challenge arjuna duel to death. this duryodhana act instilled the seed of loyalty because of him. but in the end the duel still did not materialize.
When the pandawa is exiled, because it imposes on itself the task of making duryodhana ruler of the world. for leading troops to nearby countries to conquer their kings under duryodhana rule. because he managed to win in all the battles he went through, although the obedience of the kings did not all last long (some remained in favor of pandava in the bharatayudha war).ragedi in life karna
meeting with kunti
Before the war bharatayudha kunti approached karna and asked him to join the pandawa and stated that karna was the real heir to the throne of hastinapura (as the eldest of the pandava). for rejecting this offer because kunti wasted it as a child and also after he grew up.
for saying that because duryodhana was always loyal to him as a friend, he would defend the kaurava side. Kunti then asked for a promise not to kill his five children. for promising that after the bharatayudha war, five kunti children would live, kunti was relieved to hear the promise because of this.
what is hidden from this promise is that kunti actually has six children (including himself), so if he meets the pandava he will release them except one person: arjuna. because it is one of the few who are able to face arjuna and among them there has been a fierce competition.
meeting with the Indra
Indra, the king of the gods and father of arjuna, realized that armor and earrings because they could not be penetrated by any weapon, thus making it invincible. he decided to masquerade as a poor brahmin just before taking a shower. khrisna knows the moral virtues of karna and that because it will not refuse any request from either a brahmin or a beggar at that time (after the worship of the sun).
surya, the sun god and father because, reminded because in a dream that the senses will disguise as a brahmin and ask for armor and earrings. for not knowing that surya is his father. as the sun had predicted, on the advice of khrisna, the senses disguised approached karna and asked for alms in the form of armor (kavacha) and earrings (kundala).
for knowing that by giving these two things, he is no longer invincible. but because it has become his commitment, he still gives both objects. sense of awe of kindness because, offered to use his weapon (shakti) but only for one time only.
conversation with khrisna
Khrisna once tried to persuade her to defend the pandawa. This conversation, which took place when khrisna left hastinapura after a failed peace mission (the role of Kresna duta in wayang purwa), centered on the moral truth underlying the reason pandava fought.
although khrisna realized duryodhana's kindness to the karna, he argued that because it has a higher obligation: follow it in the way of righteousness. when karna said that switching sides to pandava was a not honorable act, khrisna reminded because of the story of ramayana: vibheesena, ravana's brother chose to side with rama after not succeeding in persuading his brother to change his evil actions.
This is where my friend's loyalty is shown. for telling khrisna he knew that duryodhana did not follow the truth, by supporting him means he also did not follow the truth, and in the end he will face defeat and death because of it. but he still decided to defend duryodhana. he said to khrisna "all my life people have considered me the son of a horseman first, only then as a warrior and king.
duryodhana was the only person who not only looked at me as a warrior and a king, but also as a man equal to himself. He never looked at me as a horseman's son. when this friend of mine needs support, do you still expect me to leave him?".
During the war, pamdawa (except arjuna) met each other, defeated them, and was even able to kill them. but for keeping his promise to kunti not to kill them.on the thirteenth day of the war, drona arranged an army formation called chakravyuha.
only khrisna and arjuna on the pandava side know how to dissingies this formation; but khrisna and arjuna were deliberately diverted by the kaurava to other parts of the battle. abhimanyu, arjuna's son, has some knowledge of this formation. she heard it while still in the womb when khrisna explained this formation to her mother (abhimanyu's mother was subhadra, khrisna's sister).
but at that time khrisna did not explain samapi finished. so abhimanyu knows how to enter the formation, but does not know how to get out of it. on that day no one will be able to defeat abhimanyu who has been in the chakravyuha formation.
alone he matched the generals of the kaurava including karna, drona, and duryodhana. at the behest of drona, duryodhana and for ganging up on abhimanyu (for shooting abhimanyu bows and paralyzing the train, then the kaurava killed abhimanyu.
In the fourteenth day of the war, the war lasted until night. ghatotkacha, the half-giant son of Bhima, further damaged the kaurava line (the asuras, including the giants, were stronger at night). for being forced to use shakti weapons borrowed from the senses to kill ghatotkacha.
because the senses only allow because of the use of shakti weapons once, then because now without the ultimate weapon and armor and earrings are inenetrable weapons. because can only rely on his own power in fighting arjuna later.
On the fifteenth day of the war, drona was killed and for being the senapati kurawa army on the seventeenth day, because finally met with arjuna in an exciting and setanding battle. for losing his ultimate weapon and armor, for relying solely on his own skill and power.
On one occasion, for doing clever tricks with his skills. he paralyzed arjuna for a moment by shooting arjuna's chest. when arjuna has not recovered from the first blow, because it releases an arrow towards the head arjuna to kill him.
khrisna save arjuna by pressing their train until amblas to the ground a few centi, so that the arrow because it misses from the head arjuna. many people consider this incident as evidence of superiority because of his brother, at least in terms of skill and power.
During the battle, one of the wheels of the train skidded on muddy ground. this is due to the brahmin curse mentioned above. shalya who became the coach driver because he could not help because it had been paralyzed by arjuna.
for asking Arjuna to stop the battle to wait for him to get the wheels out of the muddy ground. Arjuna agrees. but khrisna told arjuna to violate the army code and kill because of the powerless. the wheels of the train were immovable and the curse of parashurama made him unable to defend himself.
khrisna reminds arjuna cruelty because when joining abhimanyu who to death fight without trains and weapons.with anger and sadness arjuna release anjalika arrows in the direction of karna. For falling to the ground with a deadly wound. but the test for him is not over.
khrisna disguised himself as a hermit and asked him for alms. Because the badly wounded had nothing to give, then he remembers still having one gold tooth. in pain for removing his golden teeth, cleaning them and then giving them to khrisna. thus because he became the only human being who had given alms to vishnu himself.
moved by the generosity because, khrisna gave the opportunity to cause to make a request to him. for requesting that his body be intoxicated in the holiest place in the world. as vishnu, khrisna then grayed the body because it was put out of his hand.
After karna's death, kunti told Pandawa that it was his son and their eldest brother. The Pandavas then mourned for the cause. yudhistira, especially, was devastated to learn that her mother kept it a secret from the fact that it was their eldest brother that they should have respected and obeyed.
he then issued a decree so that from then on all women could no longer keep any secrets for themselves. on the eighteenth day, the kaurava was crushed. the bharatayudha war ended, and yudhistira became king of hastinapura.
difference with arjuna
many similarities between arjuna and karna. both are archers, and compete with each other for draupadi. the two also have a close bond with the kaurava, both because of blood ties and because of friendship. the conversation with khrisna is very similar to the famous bhagavad gita, in which khrisna explains to arjuna about her obligations as a khsatriya.
Their differences lie in the decisions taken by each: arjuna prioritizes his duties as a khsatriya who must defend the truth no matter what and because it prioritizes his friendship with duryodhana.
Karna as a true warrior
Many opinions that the reason bhisma not to allow because of fighting with him when he became senapati is his love for Pandawa. if bhisma and karna appear simultaneously on the battlefield, pandava will not be able to win bharatayudha.
at that time bhisma quibble that because it comes from a lower caste. in an incident during the battle karna and arjuna, arjuna train bounced back several meters by the arrow karna. khrisna praised the greatness because of this.
arjuna, whose arrows staged the train for tens of meters, marveled at khrisna's praise and asked him for an explanation. khrisna replied, "arjuna, I myself who weighs the whole universe sit on this train and this train is also protected by hanuman (arjuna train wearing the hanuman flag). if only you were alone in this train, this train would be thrown around the earth."