Antasena : knights of the lord of the seas
Anantasena, or often abbreviated as Antasena, is the name of one of the puppet characters not included in the Mahabharata text, because it is originally created by Javanese poets. This figure is known as Bimasena's youngest son, as well as another brother of the mother of Antareja and Gatotkaca.
Raden Antasena - In the classic puppetry version of Surakarta, Antasena is another name of Antareja, the eldest son of Bimasena. Meanwhile, according to Yogyakarta version, Antasena and Antareja are two different characters.
However, in today's puppeteers, surakarta puppeteers are used to separating Antasena and Antareja figures, as did the puppeteers of Yogyakarta.
Antasena is the youngest son of Bimasena or Wrekodara, Pandawa number two. She was born to a mother named Dewi Urangayu daughter of Batara Baruna. Bima is married to Urangayu in Kali Serayu Binangun, when Pandawa and Kurawa race to make the river penetrate into the ocean. Bima left Urangayu pregnant when he had to return to amarta.
While Antasena was still in the womb, Khayangan Suralaya was invaded by Prabu Dewa Kintaka from Guwacinraka Kingdom who intended to seize and marry Batari Kamaratih. Antasena, who was still in the womb, was released by Sang Hyang Narada, and submitted to the war.
Thanks to the protection of Sang Hyang Wenang, Antasena was able to defeat Prabu Dewa Kintaka and his army. After being able to defeat Kraman Antasena was handed over to Sang Hyang Antaboga to be educated as a knight.
After adulthood he left for the Kingdom of Amarta to meet his real father. At that time the Pandava were preparing a party, because Pandawa number three, Arjuna would marry one of his daughters Dewi Pergiwati, with the crown prince Karajaan Amarta named Raden Pancawala, who is the son of Pandawa number one Yudhistira.
The marriage between the cousins almost failed because of begawan Durna who intended to marry Pergiwati with hastina crown prince Raden Lesmana Mandrakumara. With The Help of Antasena, Pancawala managed to escape Pergiwati and was protected from Kurawa's tedolah. After the incident, Arjuna finally realized, and inaugurated Pancawala's marriage to Pergiwati.
A few years after the marriage between Pancawala and Pergiwati, Antasena married her cousin Janakawati who was also Arjuna's daughter.
Nature and Power
Raden Antasena - Antasena is described as innocent and innocent, but firm in the establishment. In talking to anyone, he always uses ngoko language so as if he does not know manners. But this precisely shows his honesty where he does not like worldly pleasantries.
In terms of magic, Antasena is told as the most powerful son of Bima. It is capable of flying, amblas into the earth, as well as diving in the water. His skin is protected by shrimp scales which make him immune to any kind of weapon.
Antasena is said to have died moksa with his cousin, Wisanggeni son arjuna. Both died as sacrifices of victory for the Pandavas ahead of the outbreak of the Baratayuda war.
At that time Wisanggeni and Antasena faced Sanghyang Wenang, the ancestors of the gods to ask for the blessing of pandava victory in facing Korawa. Sanghyang Wenang stated that if the two joined the war, it would make the Pandava lose. Wisanggeni and Antasena decided not to return to the world. Both then shrunk little by little and eventually perished altogether in the Sanghyang Wenang.
Anantasena kahyangan, or often abbreviated as Antasena is the name of one of the puppet characters not found in the Mahabharata manuscript, because it is the original creation of Javanese poets. This figure is known as Bimasena's youngest son, as well as another brother of the mother of Antareja and Gatotkaca.
In the classical puppetry version of Surakarta, Antasena is another name of Antareja, the eldest son of Bimasena. Meanwhile, according to Yogyakarta version, Antasena and Antareja are two different characters.
However, in today's puppeteers, surakarta puppeteers are used to separating Antasena and Antareja figures, as did the puppeteers of Yogyakarta.
Antasena is the youngest son of Bimasena or Wrekodara, Pandawa number two. She was born to a mother named Dewi Urangayu daughter of Batara Baruna. Bima is married to Urangayu in Kali Serayu Binangun, when Pandawa and Kurawa race to make the river penetrate into the ocean. Bima left Urangayu pregnant when he had to return to amarta.
While Antasena was still in the womb, Khayangan Suralaya was invaded by Prabu Dewa Kintaka from Guwacinraka Kingdom who intended to seize and marry Batari Kamaratih. Antasena, who was still in the womb, was released by Sang Hyang Narada, and submitted to the war. Thanks to the protection of Sang Hyang Wenang, Antasena was able to defeat Prabu Dewa Kintaka and his army. After being able to defeat Kraman Antasena was handed over to Sang Hyang Antaboga to be educated as a knight.
After adulthood he left for the Kingdom of Amarta to meet his real father. At that time the Pandava were preparing a party, because Pandawa number three, Arjuna would marry one of his daughters Dewi Pergiwati, with the crown prince Karajaan Amarta named Raden Pancawala, who is the son of Pandawa number one Yudhistira.
The marriage between the cousins almost failed because of begawan Durna who intended to marry Pergiwati with hastina crown prince Raden Lesmana Mandrakumara. With The Help of Antasena, Pancawala managed to escape Pergiwati and was protected from Kurawa's tedolah. After the incident, Arjuna finally realized, and inaugurated Pancawala's marriage to Pergiwati.
A few years after the marriage between Pancawala and Pergiwati, Antasena married her cousin Janakawati who was also Arjuna's daughter.
Nature and Power
Antasena is portrayed as innocent and innocent, but firm in the establishment. In talking to anyone, he always uses ngoko language so as if he does not know manners. But this precisely shows his honesty where he does not like worldly pleasantries.
In terms of magic, Antasena is told as the most powerful son of Bima. It is capable of flying, amblas into the earth, as well as diving in the water. His skin is protected by shrimp scales which make him immune to any kind of weapon.
Antasena is said to have died moksa with his cousin, Wisanggeni son arjuna. Both died as sacrifices of victory for the Pandavas ahead of the outbreak of the Baratayuda war.
At that time Wisanggeni and Antasena faced Sanghyang Wenang, the ancestors of the gods to ask for the blessing of pandava victory in facing Korawa. Sanghyang Wenang stated that if the two joined the war, it would make the Pandava lose. Wisanggeni and Antasena decided not to return to the world. The two then shrunk little by little and eventually vanished altogether in the Sanghyang Wenang kahyangan.